Конд.0603 3,3pF HQM высокочаст. ЧИП
Модель: Конд.0603 3,3pF HQM высокочаст. ЧИП
SKU (Артикул): 186159
Тип корпуса:
Бонусные баллы: 1
Наличие: 79
24.00 руб
The “High-Q-Capacitors” have a class 1 dielectric ceramic and copper inner electrode. The class 1
dielectric ceramic used, HQM, is a very stable dielectric offering a temperature coefficient of
capacitance (TCC) of 0± 60ppm/°C. The higher conductivity of copper give a lower ESR. These
advantages mean a improved performance of matching circuits, lower power dissipation and less
energy absorption.
dielectric ceramic used, HQM, is a very stable dielectric offering a temperature coefficient of
capacitance (TCC) of 0± 60ppm/°C. The higher conductivity of copper give a lower ESR. These
advantages mean a improved performance of matching circuits, lower power dissipation and less
energy absorption.
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